
2023 FPG Elementary Summer STEM Camp 

Over the summer, Carrborobotics was invited by EastBots (4795) to attend the last day of their STEM camp at Frank Porter Graham Elementary. We brought our test bot, Zippy, and EastBots brought their competition bot from 2023's season, Hydra. Both teams had a great time showing the kids the robots, and letting them drive them around FPG's gym, and our members loved teaching the kids how to use the controller, explaining the mechanics of our robot, and hearing their suggestions for next year (a robot that could play soccer)! 

2023 Scroggs Elementary STEAM Night 

Our local elementary school hosts an annual STEAM night, where young students are exposed to all sorts of fun, interactive projects, such as building towers out of marshmallows and toothpicks and making ice cream with liquid nitrogen. Many of Carrborobotics' members can recall attending this event when they were students at Scroggs. This year, we were invited to bring and demonstrate our robot. The team had a blast telling parents and their children about FIRST and hopefully sparking an interest in STEM in the next generation!